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Ozana Miruna GHIC, Un drept de criză în domeniul ajutoarelor de stat: Studiu de caz privind criza energetică (II), Revista romana de drept european (RRDE), nr. 4/2022

Ozana Miruna GHIC, Un drept de criză în domeniul ajutoarelor de stat: Studiu de caz privind criza energetică (II), Revista romana de drept european (RRDE), nr. 4/2022

The second part of the paper deals with the impact of the “State aid crisis” on the traditional regulation in the relevant field. The transformation of an exceptional regulation into a standard law is assessed, along with the need of a better coordinated crisis law in the field of State aid.

RRDE – Revista română de drept european, nr. 4/2022

Posted in Cercetare, Revista Romana de Drept European.
