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Paul Craig este membru al colegiului stiintific al RRDE

Dl profesor Paul Craig este membru al colegiului stiintific al RRDE

Suntem bucurosi sa anuntam ca dl. profesor Paul Craig a acceptat sa faca parte din colegiul stiintific al Revistei Romane de Drept European (RRDE), editata de Wolters Kluwer.

Dr. Mihai Sandru
Redactor Sef – RRDE

Mr Professor Paul Craig has become a member of the scientific board of RRDE

We are honoured to announce that Mr Professor Paul Craig has accepted to become a member of the scientific board of Revista română de drept european – the Romanian Journal of European Law (edited by Wolters Kluwer Romania).

Dr. Mihai Sandru
Editor-in-Chief, RRDE

Posted in Revista Romana de Drept European.

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