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DEALING WITH EU LAW. The role of national courts in the interpretation and application of European Union law, Mihai Sandru, Giuseppe Martinico, Mihai Banu (eds.), Ed. Universitara, 2014.

DEALING WITH EU LAW. The role of national courts in the interpretation and application of European Union law, Mihai Sandru, Giuseppe Martinico, Mihai Banu (eds.), Ed. Universitara, 2014.

Between Rights and Charters: ECHR and EU law before national judges (Giuseppe MARTINICO)

Deferential dialogues between supranational and constitutional courts in the European multi-level system (Ioana RĂDUCU)

Overcoming the legal Iron curtain: Similarities and dissimilarities in the use of preliminary references between new and old Member States (Juan A. MAYORAL)

Proportionality to balance trade in services and fundamental rights between the European Court of Justice and national courts (Giuseppe BIANCO, Tatum RAGUES)

The role of the European Court of Justice in the interpretation of indirect taxes within the preliminary reference procedure (Ricardo GARCÍA ANTÓN)

The review of national action for compliance with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in the context of the preliminary reference procedure (Mihaela VRABIE)

The thin line between the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the European Convention on Human Rights. Trends and patterns in preliminary references in Romanian courts (Daniel Mihail ŞANDRU, Constantin Mihai BANU, Dragoş Alin CĂLIN)

Working Papers CSDE 2011-2012

Centrul de Studii de Drept European din cadrul Institutului de Cercetări Juridice al Academiei Române anunţă deschiderea unui nou apel pentru elaborarea de studii şi cercetări.
Persoanele interesate pot trimite o scrisoare de intenţie, care trebuie să includă obligatoriu titlul şi un rezumat al lucrării propuse până la data de 20.03.2012. Titlul şi rezumatul trebuie elaborate în limba engleză. Un comitet ştiinţific de specialitate [peer-review] va selecta propunerile de lucrări transmise până la data de 28.03.2012. Lucrările trebuie finalizate până la data de 20 iunie 2012.
Lucrările se vor circumscrie temei „Rolul judecătorului naţional în interpretarea şi aplicarea dreptului Uniunii Europene”.

Creşterea numărului de trimiteri preliminare din România, în particular, dar şi recurgerea constantă la mecanismul trimiterii preliminare (art. 267 TFUE) de către instanţe judecătoreşti din statele membre fac din Curtea de Justiţie cea mai importantă sursă vie a dreptului UE. Cu toate acestea, principii importante ale dreptului UE constituie pentru instanţa naţională criterii şi surse pentru interpretarea şi aplicarea dreptului UE. Lucrările alese vor trebui să abordeze aspecte de ordin teoretic şi practic ale procedurii pentru pronunţarea unei hotărâri preliminare, atât din perspectivă naţională, cât şi unională.

Informaţii, adresa de contact:

Coordonatori ai proiectului:
Mihai Şandru
Giuseppe Martinico
Mihai Banu

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Working Papers CELS 2011-2012

The Center for European Legal Studies (of the Legal Studies Institute of the Romanian Academy) is pleased to announce a fresh call for papers.

Any interested person may send a letter of intent (in Romanian or English), which has to comprise the title and a summary of the proposed papers, until 20 March 2012. The title and summary must be drafted also in English (for the contributions that will be written in Romanian). Until 28 March 2012, a (peer-review) committee will select the proposed works. The final works shall be submitted until 20 June 2012.

The subject-matter of the papers will concern the “Role of the national courts in interpretation and application of European Union law”.

The rise in numbers of preliminary references coming from Romania, but also the constant use of the system of preliminary references (Article 267 TFEU) by courts and tribunals of Member States make the Court of Justice the most important source for EU law. Nonetheless, fundamental principles of EU law provide the courts and tribunals of Members States with criteria and sources for interpretation and application of EU law. The selected papers will have to approach both theoretical and practical issues of the preliminary rulings procedure, from a national and Union perspective.

For information and contact:

Mihai Şandru
Giuseppe Martinico
Mihai Banu

Partener: Revista Forumul Judecătorilor.

Posted in - English version, Cercetare, Evenimente, Publicatii, Working Papers.

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