Centrul de Studii de Drept European (CSDE)* este onorat sa anunte parteneriatul cu editura juridica internationala, Hart Publishing.
Motto-ul editurii, „Good books for lawyers” va fi preluat in dezbaterile CSDE care vor fi organizate impreuna cu specialistii de prima importanta din tara care au legatura cu volumele prezentate.
Editura HART PUBLISHING publica atât carți – in aproape toate domeniile juridice (inclusiv drept european) – cat si prestigioase reviste (amintim European Competition Journal, European Law Reports).
Parteneriatul consta în prezentarea volumelor editate de Hart Publishing in cadrul conferintelor CSDE, invitarea de specialiști români și străini la dezbaterile CSDE dedicate subiectelor volumelor editate de Hart (“conferințele Hart”), lansări de carte cu autorii Hart Publishing, recenzii ale volumelor publicate în reviste românești de referință.
* CSDE (www.csde.ro) este departament al Institutului de Cercetări Juridice al Academiei Române.
Adresa http://www.hartpub.co.uk/books/
Center for European Legal Studies (CELS)* is pleased to announce a partnership with the International Legal Publisher “Hart Publishing”.
The motto of the Publisher “Good books for lawyers” will be taken in the debates that CELS will hold with the support of well-known Romanian experts in the fields covered by the volumes discussed.
The Hart Publishing publishes both books – in almost every legal field (European law included) – and influential journals alike (European Competition Journal, European Law Reports).
The partnership will have as subject-matter presenting certain volumes edited by Hart Publishing in the framework of the CELS conferences, inviting Romanian and foreign experts at the debates held by CELS concerning the fields of the said volumes (the conferences will bear the title “The Hart Conferences”), presenting of new books – events that will be attended by authors published with Hart, reviewing new volumes for the Romanian leading legal journals.
* CELS (www.csde.ro) is a body inside the Institute for Legal Studies of the Romanian Academy.