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Debate – „Future of Europe”. Integration or disintegration of the EU legal order, 9 May 2012

In the framework of the “Culture of European Law” series, on 9 May 2012, 2 PM, at the premises of the Academy of Romania, Calea Victoriei no. 125, the Center for European Legal Studies will hold the debated

„Future of Europe”. Integration or disintegration of the EU legal order

Having as a starting point a recent work published by Mr Jean Claude Piris with Cambridge University Press, “The Future of Europe. Towards a Two-Speed EU?”, the debate aims to a helpful dialogue concerning this “genuine manifesto meant to overcome the current institutional and legal stalemate, possible in essence by resorting on a enhanced cooperation among the Member States willing to do so”.

A review of that book, published in Revista română de drept european (2/2012), will be circulated to those taking part.

[Romanian Version]

Media Partners: Romanian Legal Week

Posted in - English version, Cercetare, Cultura dreptului european, Evenimente.
